Schools & Crowded Places Training
Our world has certainly changed with regards to the nature and scale of risks which we face.
Sadly, threats and acts of violence (or potential violence) do occur in our schools and crowded places. You will most likely be aware of several tragic incidents which have occurred in such places. Both here in Aotearoa New Zealand, and globally.
Crowded places are locations that large numbers of people access easily and predictably. They include sporting arenas; transport hubs and public transport; buildings and offices; schools, shopping centres; restaurants, hotels, theatres and other entertainment venues; community festivals and markets; houses of worship; tourist attractions; and civic spaces.*
Our School and Crowded Places presentations help keep your staff & others (including visitors, students, customers etc) safe from harm. As legislated by the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 and/or the Education & Training Act. The sessions are aligned to NZ Govt's Crowded Places Strategy and the Australia New Zealand Counter Terrorism (ANZCTC) Guidelines for Crowded Places. They will help your staff, emergency managers and leadership team understand the WHY, WHAT and HOW of NZ's strategy, so they can be incorporated into your procedures and plans.
These modular presentations can be facilitated singularly or blended together as required.
Options include:
Lockdown Drills, Active Armed Offender (AAO) Drills and other response drills
- We can either facilitate or attend your drill as an SME. We observe the drill, attend (or facilitate) a debrief, then report back with any necessary recommendations, which can be incorporated into your plans and future drills.
- These sessions are particularly valuable for teachers, Incident Management Team (IMT), Senior Leadership Teams (SLT), security and management teams (Generally up to 2 or 3 hours on-site, plus reporting time)
Overview of the NZ Crowded Places Strategy
- Understanding what it is, why it's needed and how to align the principles within your school or crowded place
- to help safeguard your people and others.
- Recommended for managers and emergency managers (2 hours)
Preventing, Preparing and Responding to an Active Armed Offender (AAO) Situation
- Prevention and Risk Minimisation of AAO Incidents: Reducing vulnerability
- Preparing for AAO Incidents: Security culture, planning overview, disrupting Hostile Reconnaissance (‘casing’)
- Response protocol in the event of an AAO Incident: Initial actions, advising Police, understanding the Police response
- Recommended for all staff (3 hours)
Responding to an Active Armed Offender (AAO) Situation
- Response protocol in the event of an AAO Incident: Initial actions, advising Police, understanding the Police response
- Recommended for all staff (1 hour)
Emergency Response Options: "Do we lock down or escape?"
- Analysing and understanding the range of emergency response options - internal v external threats etc
- What they are, why they are needed and how to apply them in the context of your premises
- Recommended for staff, managers and emergency managers (2 hours)
- Understanding why reunification and recovery are important, and incorporating these into your processes
- Especially important for schools
- Recommended for managers and emergency managers (1 hour)
We recommend that response training is implemented as a rehearsal to your plans. We can work with you to facilitate pre-programmed rehearsals. Please contact us to explore options.
*Derived from the NZ Govt Crowded Places Strategy 2020